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双语新闻播报(August 15)

时间:2024-08-19 08:01来源: 作者:admin 点击: 13 次
> Sales of ice cups heat up in summer高温夏日!今年冰杯成为消费新趋势 Prepacked ice cups stored in a fridge in Lawson's store, in Wuhan, Hubei province, July 9,

> Sales of ice cups heat up in summer

Prepacked ice cups stored in a fridge in Lawson's store, in Wuhan, Hubei province, July 9, 2024. [Photo/VCG]

A new trend is cooling down China: prepackaged ice cups. The convenient containers filled with edible ice cubes are becoming a summertime staple, offering consumers a customizable and cost-effective way to enjoy cold drinks.


"Homemade ice cubes easily melt, while the ice cubes in packaged cups sold at convenience stores can be kept for a longer time," said Xie Zhiying, 31, who works for an advertising company in Beijing."I usually pour orange juice into the ice cube cup and enjoy a cold drink after lunch."


He said "do it yourself" cold drinks are popular on Xiaohongshu, a Chinese lifestyle-sharing platform, with many young people sharing their methods of preparing different cold drinks using packaged ice cube cups.


"I bought out of curiosity at first, and found it was convenient and economical," Xie said. "A cup of ice cubes is usually sold for around 3 or 5 yuan at convenience stores, and you can put whatever drinks or coffee you like into the cup to get yourself a refreshing cold drink. A cup of a regular handmade cold drink sold at a cafe will cost 20 or 30 yuan, which is far more expensive."


The trend has exploded on social media, with millions of users sharing their own ice cup creations. By early this month, Xiaohongshu had over 10,000 posts about ice cube cups. Beverage companies have taken notice, with some launching their own branded ice cups.
这一潮流在社交媒体上掀起了一股热潮,数百万用户分享他们自己的冰杯创意。截至本月初,小红书上关于冰杯的帖子超过了 10000 个。饮料公司也注意到了这一点,一些公司推出了自己的品牌冰杯。


Mixue Ice Cream and Tea, a beverage chain headquartered in Zhengzhou, Henan province, started to sell ice cube cups early last month for just 1 yuan a cup. Industry insiders said ice cube cups have found a promising market in China, where sales of cold drinks have been enjoying stable growth in recent years.


In a report released in April, the life services platform Meituan and consultancy company Oliver Wyman said that 40 percent of consumers surveyed liked to take drinks — including liquor, beverages and milk — with ice. Meituan said sales of ice cubes on its platform had surged by 182 percent year-on-year in 30 days from late July to early August last year, and the number of businesses selling eatable ice had risen by 90 percent.
生活服务平台美团和咨询公司奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman)在今年4月发布的一份报告中称,40%的受访消费者喜欢在喝饮料(包括白酒、饮料和牛奶)时加冰块。美团称,从去年7月底到8月初的30天内,其平台上的冰块销量同比激增了182%,销售可食用冰块的商家数量增加了90%。


"Traditionally, Chinese people prefer hot drinks, but young people have shown an increasing preference for cool or cold drinks," Lai Yang, from the China General Chamber of Commerce, told Beijing News recently. He said the growth of ice cube cup products and associated demand may turn them into a main product in the future, rather than a transitory bandwagon.


> Word of the day丨high-quality development of service consumption



The State Council unveiled a guideline to advance high-quality development of service consumption lately to support high-quality economic development and to meet people's demand for personalized, diversified and quality services.






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