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时间:2024-09-03 17:22来源: 作者:admin 点击: 9 次



1. '十四五''数字经济'发展规划印发
2. 08年奥运'媒体包'现身北京冬奥
3. '博鳌亚洲论坛'将于春季举办年会
4. 2021年我国'钢铁生产'如期减量
5. 欧洲超半数人口将感染'奥密克戎毒株'

1. 数字经济
digital economy

China's State Council on Wednesday rolled out a plan to facilitate the development of the digital economy in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

《规划》提出,到2025年,数字经济核心产业增加值占国内生产总值比重(the proportion of the added value of core digital economy industries in its GDP)将从2020年的7.8%增加到10%,产业数字化转型迈上新台阶(see the digital transformation of industries reach a new level),数字化公共服务更加普惠均等(digital public services will become more inclusive),数字经济治理体系更加完善(the digital economy governance system will improve noticeably)。

《规划》部署了优化升级数字基础设施(optimize and upgrade digital infrastructure)、大力推进产业数字化转型(push forward the digital shift of enterprises)、有效拓展数字经济国际合作(expand international cooperation on the digital economy)等8个方面重点任务(key tasks in eight areas)。《规划》提出,要加大6G技术研发支持力度(strengthen its support of 6G research and development),增强集成电路、人工智能等关键技术创新能力(enhance innovation in strategic fields such as integrated circuits and artificial intelligence),加快培育新业态新模式(facilitate the development of new business modes)。积极借鉴国际规则和经验(draw on international rules and experience),围绕数据跨境流动(cross-border data flows)、市场准入(market access)、反垄断(anti-monopoly work)、数字人民币(the digital yuan)、数据隐私保护(privacy protection)等重大问题探索建立治理规则(explore the establishment of regulations)。

大数据产业 big data industry
人工智能 artificial intelligence
国家大数据战略 the national big data strategy
智能制造发展规划 development plan on smart manufacturing

2. 媒体包
bags supplied to media workers

Foreign reporters have been seen carrying around bags from the 2008 Summer Olympics as they work inside the media center for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

一名伊朗记者称,他每次报道体育赛事时,都会带着2008年北京奥运会的背包(carry the bag from Beijing 2008 every time he covered sports competitions)。这位记者说:"对于摄影记者(a photography journalist)来说,背包是一件非常重要的物品,这个包质量很好,设计也很人性化(its design is user-friendly)。"

除了提供给媒体工作者的媒体包外,2008年夏季奥运会颁发的金牌(the gold medals awarded during the 2008 Summer Olympics)也是质量过硬(demonstrate a high level of quality)。俄罗斯艺术体操运动员达里娅·什库里欣娜的公寓被烧毁,大火过后,什库里欣娜发现她在2008年奥运会上获得的金镶玉金牌仍然完好无损(the gold medal she had earned from the 2008 Summer Olympics, which was inlaid with jade, remained undamaged)。

在2022年冬奥会(the 2022 Winter Olympic Games)上,来自世界各地的媒体工作者(media workers from around the world)将收到一份全新的媒体包(receive a new media package),其中包括一个保温杯(an insulated cup)、窗花(paper-cut window grilles)或中国结(Chinese knots)等文化纪念品(cultural souvenirs)以及其他礼物。

绒线花束 woolen bouquets
国家速滑馆 National Speed Skating Oval
"绿色、共享、开放、廉洁"办奥理念 the concept of hosting "green, inclusive, open and corruption-free Olympics"
冬奥村 the Winter Olympic Village
"一起向未来"(北京冬奥主题口号) Together for a Shared Future

3. 博鳌亚洲论坛
Boao Forum for Asia (BFA)

Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Secretariat held a Press Conference in Beijing on January 12 for its 2022 Annual Conference, at which occasion Secretary General Li Baodong briefed on the preparation for the 2022 BFA Annual Conference.

李保东表示,博鳌亚洲论坛将按惯例于2022年春季在海南博鳌举行年会(hold its Annual Conference in spring of 2022 at Boao of Hainan province as usual),邀请包括东道国中国在内的国家和政府领导人、政府官员、国际组织负责人(heads of international organizations)、企业代表、专家学者(guests from business and academia)和媒体人士出席会议,共商疫后亚洲与全球发展大计(the post-pandemic development agenda for Asia and the world)。年会将以线上线下相结合的方式举办(an on-site occasion supplemented with online links),具体日期将在与东道国协商确定后尽快公布。

李保东强调,虽然现在很难断言疫情什么时候会彻底结束(despite the uncertainty as to when the pandemic would be over),但我们必须着眼未来,积极把握和推动疫后世界发展大势(actively seize and rein the post-pandemic development trend with a forward looking perspective),为构建人类命运共同体而努力。博鳌亚洲论坛2022年年会将聚焦各方最为关注的疫后经济复苏与发展问题(the post-pandemic economic recovery and growth issues),聚焦绿色发展(green development)、创新发展(innovative development)、包容发展(inclusive development)、合作发展(collaborative development),致力于促进国际团结与合作(promote international solidarity and cooperation),致力于推动全球发展(drive forward the world economy)。

外国直接投资 foreign direct investment
全球治理 global governance
互联互通伙伴关系 partnership for connectivity
服务业开放opening of the service sector

4. 钢产量
steel production

In the first 11 months of 2021, China's steel production reached 946 million tonnes, decreasing 2.6 percent year on year.

压减粗钢产量是落实我国碳达峰碳中和目标任务(to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals)的重要举措。2021年,粗钢压减工作成效如何?中国钢铁工业协会副会长高祥明1月10日表示,预计2021年全年钢产量为10.3亿吨,比上年减少约3500万吨。

受成本和需求推动,钢铁价格2021年前11个月同比上升(as rising costs and demand pushed up prices);同期钢铁行业实现利润总额(the steel and iron industry's combined profits )3517亿元,同比增长86.46%。过去一年,钢铁企业绿色低碳转型步伐加快(accelerate green and low-carbon transformation)。吨钢综合能耗、二氧化硫排放量(energy consumption and sulfur dioxide emissions per tonne of steel produced)等均下降。

展望2022年全年市场需求,高祥明说,"房住不炒"定位及"三道红线"等政策下房地产行业投资(investment in the real estate sector)将放缓,但基础设施投资增速将回升(infrastructure investment will pick up);推进制造强国建设政策引领下,制造业将保持旺盛。综合来看,钢需求总量有望与2021年基本持平(the total steel demand is likely to remain the same as last year)。

碳中和 carbon neutrality
房地产行业 the real estate sector
绿色低碳转型 green and low-carbon transformation

5. 奥密克戎毒株
Omicron Covid-19 variant

The World Health Organization has warned that half of Europe will have caught the Omicron Covid-19 variant within the next six to eight weeks.

该预测基于2022年第一周全欧洲报告的700万新增病例。感染人数(the number of infections)在两周内翻了一番以上。汉斯·克鲁格博士在新闻发布会上表示:"如今,奥密克戎毒株正自西向东席卷整个欧洲(the Omicron variant represents a new west-to-east tidal wave),直到2021年底,所有国家还都在控制德尔塔毒株的迅速传播。"克鲁格博士称,随着病毒从西方国家传播到巴尔干半岛,欧洲和中亚国家仍然面临"巨大压力"(remain under "intense pressure")。他补充道:"各国现在必须根据其流行病学情况(epidemiological situation)、可用资源(available resources)、疫苗接种情况(vaccination uptake status)和社会经济环境(socio-economic context)来确定如何应对。"

创纪录的感染人数使卫生系统承受着巨大的压力(leave health systems under severe strain)。1月10日,英国报告了142224例新增新冠肺炎确诊病例(confirmed cases of the virus)和77例死亡病例。一些医院宣称,由于员工缺勤和新冠肺炎带来的压力不断上升,出现了"危机"事件(declare "critical" incidents due to staff absences and rising pressures caused by Covid-19)。在其他地方,住院病例数量也在上升(hospital numbers are also rising)。法国卫生部长奥利维尔·韦兰上周警告,1月份对医院来说将是艰难的(January would be tough for hospitals)。俄罗斯联邦消费者权益保护和公益监督局局长安娜·波波娃在政府新冠病毒工作组的会议上称,如果不采取行动控制新冠病毒的传播,那么俄罗斯每日新增新冠病例(the daily number of new Covid-19 cases)可能达到10万例。

疫苗公平可及 accessibility and fair distribution of vaccines
全球卫生治理体系 global health governance system
抗击新冠肺炎疫情 battle against the COVID-19 epidemic
国际旅行健康证明 health certificate for international travelers

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