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时间:2024-09-03 17:22来源: 作者:admin 点击: 12 次
叮!新一期热词榜已送达!回顾一周最in话题,精选高频双语词汇。感受时代脉搏,尽在一周新闻热词榜。 本周的新闻热词有: 1. 今年载人航天实施6次发射任务2. '00后'运动员书写冬奥精彩3. 春节假期全国共揽收投递快递包裹7.49亿件4. 北京冬奥会吉祥物'冰墩墩'走红5. 曝中情局用儿童做人体实验



1. 今年载人航天实施6次发射任务
2. '00后'运动员书写冬奥精彩
3. 春节假期全国共揽收投递快递包裹7.49亿件
4. 北京冬奥会吉祥物'冰墩墩'走红
5. 曝中情局用儿童做人体实验

1. 载人航天
manned space programs

China will make six manned space flights in 2022 to complete the building of its space station and see the maiden flight of Long March-6A, the country's first carrier rocket powered by a solid and liquid engine.

2月9日,中国航天科技集团有限公司在京发布《中国航天科技活动蓝皮书(2021年)》(the 2021 Blue Book of China Aerospace Science and Technology)。蓝皮书显示,2021年,全球共实施146次发射任务,为1957年以来最高发射次数,发射航天器总数量1846个(In 2021, the world saw 146 space launches, the highest number since 1957, with 1,846 spacecraft launched into space),总质量777.70吨。

2021年,我国航天发射活动继续取得重大突破,全年共执行55次发射任务,发射次数居世界首位(China carried out 55 space launch missions in 2021, with this number ranking first in the world),发射航天器总质量再创新高,达到191.19吨,同比增长85.5%(its total mass of spacecraft launched reached 191.19 tonnes, an 85.5 percent year-on-year increase)。

载人空间站 manned space station
空间实验室 space lab
在轨加注 in-orbit refuelling
交会对接 rendezvous and docking
舱外航天服 extravehicular spacesuits
“太空授课” space-based lecture

2. “00后”运动员
athletes born after 2000

As of Thursday, the Chinese delegation has won three gold and three silver medals at the Winter Olympics, among which athletes born after 2000 have contributed one gold and two silvers.

在北京冬奥会上,中国“00后”冬奥健儿们驰骋冰雪赛场,用拼搏展现青春力量。2月7日,在单板滑雪男子坡面障碍技巧(men's snowboard slopestyle)决赛中,17岁中国小将苏翊鸣以冬奥会单板滑雪坡面障碍技巧比赛历史上第一个1800的高难度动作拿下银牌。这是中国单板滑雪首枚冬奥会男子项目奖牌(the first Olympic snowboard medal for China)。苏翊鸣说,他热爱单板滑雪,相比于分数,他更在意的是完成更多更好的动作,并可以从中获得快乐(as a snowboard lover, I do not care much about the score. Instead, I pay more attention to making more brilliant tricks. The happiness comes from that)。

2月8日,中国选手谷爱凌在自由式滑雪女子大跳台(women's freeski big air)决赛中成功完成偏轴转体1620动作,勇夺金牌。这是中国女子雪上项目在冬奥会上获得的首枚金牌(the first female Chinese athlete to be crowned in a snow sport at a Winter Olympics)。而在最后一跳前,18岁的谷爱凌位列第三。她本可以选择更为保险的做法,力保一枚奖牌(play safe and secure a podium spot),但她还是决定尝试此前她从未成功完成的“1620”。“我一直说,我来这里并不是为了打败其他选手,我只想去打破自己的界限(I am not competing to beat other riders, not to ride better than others, but I want to ride 100 percent of my best)。”谷爱凌说。

北京冬奥会中国首金 China's first gold medal at Beijing 2022
短道速滑 short track speed skating
单板滑雪坡面障碍技巧 snowboard slopestyle
大跳台 big air

3. 快递包裹
express packages

From Jan 31 to Feb 6, 749 million parcels were received and delivered by the country's postal and express companies, the data showed. The figure marked a 16-percent increase from the same lunar new year period of the previous year.

国家邮政局相关负责人表示,今年春节期间,全国邮政快递业运行情况总体安全稳定,邮政快递服务业务量增幅较大。其中,揽收快递包裹4.2亿件,与2021年农历同期相比增长12.04%(the number of parcels received jumped 12.04 percent year on year to 420 million);投递快递包裹3.29亿件,同比增长21.6%(parcels delivered reached 329 million, up 21.6 percent from a year ago)。

春节既是中华民族重要的传统节日(an important traditional festival),也是一年中的消费旺季(the peak consumption season of the year)。网络拜年(online New Year greetings)、互寄年货成为过年新方式,一件件快递包裹也承载了亲朋之间最诚挚的祝福(carry the most sincere wishes from relatives and friends)。

快递员 deliveryman/courier
货到付款(到付) cash on delivery
保价 parcel insurance, value insurance
商贸物流 logistics network for commercial services and international trade
无人机快递 UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) express/drone delivery
自助快递箱 self-service parcel pickup machine

4. 冰墩墩
Bing Dwen Dwen

Beijing Winter Olympics organizers will increase the product offerings for the mascot Bing Dwen Dwen, a spokesman said on Sunday in response to the rising popularity of the mascot and a recent shortage of stock.

北京2022年冬奥会已于2月4日正式拉开帷幕。除了别开生面的开幕式(the spectacular opening ceremony)和运动员紧张刺激的表现(the breathtaking performances of the athletes),可以说,最受热捧的就是这只熊猫造型的吉祥物“冰墩墩”了(it is Bing Dwen Dwen, the panda-shaped mascot, which has, arguably, captured the most hearts and public imagination)。

冰墩墩露着可爱的微笑,毛茸茸的小脸周围有一圈彩色光环(the fuzzy face of the smiling panda is surrounded by a colorful halo),代表着奥林匹克五环的颜色(represent the five colors of the Olympic rings)。设计灵感还源于国家速滑馆(the National Speed Skating Oval)——“冰丝带”(the "ice ribbon")。流动色彩线条,象征着冰雪运动的赛道和5G高科技。冰墩墩外面有一层冰晶外壳(a clear shell),造型取自冰雪运动头盔(the protective helmet in winter sports)。

萌萌的冰墩墩现在已经在网上人见人爱(the heart-melting mascot now has a massive fan base),冰墩墩的周边产品也受到热捧(people are going crazy for products featuring the smiling panda)。根据文汇报的报道,目前已有超过100万人在天猫抢购冰墩墩了。

奥运会吉祥物 Olympic mascots
奥运会会歌、《奥林匹克圣歌》Olympic Hymn/Anthem
主办城市 host city
吉祥物周边商品 the mascot-themed merchandise

5. 人体实验
experiments on humans

A Danish radio documentary series, The Search for Myself, did not hold back in leveling claims against the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that it had financially aided experiments on 311 Danish children in the early 1960s. A good number of them were orphans or adopted.

纪录片作者佩尔·温尼克就是其中一位受害者,他声称自己在哥本哈根市医院的地下室(basement)里接受了对其背景一无所知的测试(he was subjected to tests with no knowledge of their background)。据称这些测试旨在研究遗传和环境因素在导致精神分裂症方面的联系(investigate links between heredity and environmental factors in engendering schizophrenia)。在该实验中,主要研究目标是母亲患有精神分裂症的孩子(the children of schizophrenic mothers)。在311名儿童中,有207人的母亲有精神分裂,而其余人则没有,他们构成了对照组。

温尼克属于后一组。与之前的类似实验一样,他在一无所知的情况下受到诱导(receive shallow enticements without information)。温尼克被许诺在哥本哈根市医院做一些有意思的事情。他还会因此得到16克朗。他坐在椅子上,戴着耳机,被人用言语、尖叫和噪音吓唬(was subjected to statements, screams and noises designed to frighten)。他的身体上放置了电极(electrodes were placed upon his body),用来测量心率、体温和出汗量(his heart rate, body temperature and sweat level were measured)。据温尼克和(丹麦)国家档案馆称,该研究项目由美国卫生部门共同资助。此外,该项目还获得由中情局运作的人类生态基金的资助。

尊重和保障人权 respect and protect human rights
侵犯人权 human rights violations
践踏国际规则 trampling on international rules
人道灾难 humanitarian disasters
全球人权治理 global human rights governance

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